Group camping in residential red zone land in Burwood told to leave

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Apr 08, 2022 |

The group occupying residential red zone land in Burwood has been told they need to leave the area.

Some, including, anti-mandate protestors have been camping in the red zone since late last week.

Council’s Head of Parks Andrew Rutledge said ““the area the group is occupying is a mix of Christchurch City Council reserve land and residential red zone land and the legal advice we have now received makes it clear the provisions of our 2016 Parks and Reserves Bylaw 2016 do apply.’’

“Our Parks and Reserves Bylaw clearly states that people cannot erect tents and structures, or park vehicles, on park or reserve land. They are also not allowed to remove vegetation.”

“It is clear that the group occupying the land is breaching the rules in the bylaw.’’

The occupied land sits with the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor, which the Council co-governs with Ngāi Tuahuriri, who has also advised that this is a group without tikanga and that they do not support them.

“We have communicated to the group their obligation to leave the site,’’ Mr Rutledge said.

“We are aware that the group has been advertising a community event for this weekend. Now that the group is aware that they are occupying the land illegally, we expect them to do the right thing, which is to pack up their tents and structures and leave the area peacefully after the weekend.

“We have made them aware of social services they can access if they need help with accommodation or other issues.’’

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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