The Coupland’s pie that doesn’t need tomato sauce

Sep 16, 2024 |

I recently tried Coupland’s Lamb, Kumara, and Mint pie, and to be honest, I was a little suspicious about how it would taste at first.

You know how it is—sometimes you wonder if the flavours will really work or if it’ll taste too ‘bought.’

But this one surprised me. The lamb was tender, the kumara added a nice sweetness, and the mint gave it a fresh twist. The best part? It’s the kind of pie that doesn’t need any tomato sauce—it’s tasty enough on its own.

The flavour is so rich and balanced that it feels like something homemade, not mass-produced. The pastry was perfectly flaky, giving that comforting, hearty feel without needing any extras.

The pie was a perfect quick meal that didn’t sacrifice on flavour or quality, which is just what I needed with my busy schedule.

The filling was rich and savoury, with a bit of a gourmet touch that made it feel more special than your average pie. It’s definitely something I’d go for again, whether for lunch or dinner, when I want something hearty and satisfying without the fuss.



Turns out, I’ve been out of the loop. When I mentioned to a few clients that I was trying this pie, they were quick to tell me it’s already their favourite flavour.

Seems like I’ve been missing out on a local gem that everyone else already loves!


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