Sara Templeton’s mayoral bid —who’s supporting her, and who’s not?

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Oct 14, 2024 |

Heathcote ward councillor Sara Templeton has announced her bid for Christchurch mayor, sparking a range of opinions from fellow council members and local representatives.

Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore said he was cautious about endorsing candidates, preferring to remain independent in his role. “I struggle to see myself getting into the endorsements thing like we saw last election, as I really enjoy just doing my own thing in Halswell.

“We’ve only got one candidate announced so far, and I haven’t had the chance to read her policies yet. It’s unlikely I’ll agree with any candidate or formal/informal political grouping on all issues, and that’s why I love being independent.”

Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore

Halswell Councillor Andrei Moore

Moore said he appreciated Templeton’s support during his first term as councillor. “What I will say though is that as a first termer, Sara has been by far the most welcoming and helpful incumbent who has always been willing to take the time to help me learn all the Council processes and navigate a large bureaucracy, which means a lot to me, and I wish her well.”

However, he remained focused on working with all councillors, regardless of their political affiliations. “I’m happy and able to work with anyone. The current mayor endorsed my opponent at the last election, but that’s never mattered or got in the way. We get on with the job, and we get along great.”

Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Member Ali Jones

Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Member Ali Jones said “I support the right of anyone to run for a role as an elected member. It’s a democratic right, and good on anyone who puts their hand up for these roles. I like working with people who have commonsense and show respect for others, are not tied to a political party or particular philosophy, and have a sense of humour. God knows we all need a good laugh now and then.”

Harewood Councillor Aaron Keown said “I have no issue with anyone putting their hand up to run for mayor. I certainly would not be endorsing Sara’s bid as she has not made good decisions for the people of my ward Harewood.

Harewood Councillor Aaron Keown

Harewood Councillor Aaron Keown

“She has constantly voted against the much wanted traffic lights at Harewood/Breens/Gardiners and she has ignored the overwhelming opposition to the Harewood Rd cycleway by the people of Harewood.  I will be supporting incumbent Phil Mauger to return for another term” Keown said.

Waimairi Ward Councillor Sam MacDonald said he was surprised to learn of Sara’s announcement so far out from an election.

“The rest of us are working hard to sort the challenges we have, so campaigning hasn’t been on our radar. Things like the new treatment plant have been instead.”

MacDonald was critical of Templeton’s leadership style, saying, “A mayor needs to have the leadership traits that allow for people to work together. I’ve worked around the same table as Sara for five years now, and that isn’t the case.

Waimairi Ward Councillor Sam MacDonald

“We do not need deeply cynical, chip-on-shoulder, political/ideological leadership. We need positive, collaborative, and best-for-Christchurch leadership.”

He added that he would not be endorsing Templeton’s campaign. “So no, I wouldn’t endorse Sara. The reality is that Sara is going to need to spend the next 12 months convincing people that she isn’t what people often refer to her as, which is ‘Cycleway Sara’.”

Meanwhile, Riccarton Ward Councillor Tyler Harrison-Hunt commended Templeton for her qualifications and activity in her current role. “Anyone who puts their hand up to lead the city, I commend them. I don’t mind who I work with in Council.

“Sara is highly qualified for the role and knows council in and out. She’s been a great ward councillor and is very active in her role.” While Harrison-Hunt did not plan to run for mayor himself, he looked forward to working with whoever won. “This next election year is going to be great fun, and I’m looking forward to the city taking some keen interest in Local Government.”

Councillor Tyler Harrison-Hun

Riccarton Ward Councillor Tyler Harrison-Hunt

Papanui Ward Councillor Victoria Henstock said she was not surprised by Sara’s announcement. “I respect her for stepping forward for the role.

“She is politically motivated, very diligent, and extremely passionate about her green causes. However, I have not seen anything from her that gives me confidence that she has the ability to lead Council or unite the city.

“I question her ability to process opinions other than her own.  This is a key skill needed by the mayor who must be able to work with others and find common ground on issues” Henstock said.

“Personally, I hope Phil runs again.  He connects with people and has been able to lead a Council that is united more often than not.  He is able to balance competing issues and isn’t tied down by political dogma or distracted by single issues.

Papanui Ward Councillor Victoria Henstock

“I am excited about the next phase for Christchurch, you can feel a sense of growing optimism around the city.  We need a mayor that celebrates this, we also need unity and financial savvy not ever-increasing rate rises and greater division at the Council table.  From what I have seen to date, I do not think Sara has the ability to be the leader we need.”

Environment Canterbury Councillor Deon Swiggs refrained from endorsing Templeton or any other mayoral candidate.

“I won’t be endorsing any mayoral candidates. My role requires working with all elected officials across the region, regardless of their policies or politics.

Environment Canterbury Councillor Deon Swiggs

Environment Canterbury Councillor Deon Swiggs

“Our island and region urgently needs increased government investment. The next mayor of Christchurch must play a leadership role to prioritise securing this support. Without it, any promises or aspirations remain just dreams.”

Fendalton Councillor James Gough said he respected Templeton’s decision to run but reaffirmed his support for Mayor Phil Mauger. “I respect anyone willing to step forward and serve the city, including Sara. While we’ve worked together constructively at times, we often have different views on what success looks like for Christchurch.

 Fendalton Ward Councillor James Gough

Fendalton Ward Councillor James Gough

“I admire her passion, but my support is with Mayor Phil Mauger. His pragmatic leadership delivers balanced, tangible outcomes for the city, ensuring no single issue dominates at the expense of others.”

Gough said he was open to working with those who bring a “balanced, practical mindset” but added, “Phil’s approach resonates with me, and I hope he chooses to stand again.”

In a statement, on behalf of all Christchurch Labour MPs, Megan Woods said “we welcome all candidates who put their hand up for the mayoralty next year. It is important for our city that we have a strong contest of ideas for the future of our city.”

Wigram MP Labour's Dr Megan Woods

Wigram MP Labour’s Dr Megan Woods

Cashmere Ward Councillor Tim Scandrett said “I am an independent Councillor, probably the only one, so am neutral on this and will leave it to the people of Christchurch to decide. I will do my best to work with whoever the people of Chch elect. He had no plans to stand as mayor. “Absolutely not!!”

Cashmere Ward Councillor Tim Scandrett

Cashmere Ward Councillor Tim Scandrett

“I feel that the Council is working very well but like any organisation, we can always strive to do better” Scandrett said.

Central Ward Councillor Jake McLellan said Sara’s announcement “was great for democracy to have candidates.

“Putting your hand up for Mayor takes courage. Christchurch deserves a good contest.”

Central Ward Councillor Jake McLellan

Central Ward Councillor Jake McLellan

Former Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said she was delighted that Templeton was standing for mayor. “First elected in 2016 Sara has the smarts, experience and commitment to people, the climate and nature that we need leading Christchurch City Council.

“At her campaign launch, Sara encouraged everyone to share their ideas of what they want for our city. A mayor for the people.”

Eugenie Sage supports Templeton’s bid for mayor

Former City Councillor and former Top leader Raf Manji declined to comment on whether he’d endorse Templeton, or consider standing for mayor.

Former Councillor Raf Manji

Former Councillor Raf Manji

Current Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter did not say whether she would endorse Sara, but said, “Good on Sara for putting her hand up for election, it takes courage and commitment to do that.”

Current Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter

Current Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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