The concept initially began as a mobile coffee cart, which was trialled in 2017 with a visit from the Red Cross community coffee van.
Over time, the RCG team realised that an onsite café would be a better fit for their goals.
This collaboration laid the groundwork for a business plan that evolved into what is now the Riverlution Café. “Shirley Trust has been running a successful barista training programme for years now, and their community connections have inspired us,” Guglietta said.
In early 2019, RCG partnered with Greening the Rubble (now GreenLab) to conduct community consultations on the café project.
Landscaping began later that year, but progress was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the pause gave the team the opportunity to reach out to locals, conducting an online survey that confirmed strong support for the café.
In a stroke of good fortune, RCG received a surplus building from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) that fit perfectly into the café’s designated space, reducing the funding required to complete the project. With assistance from a post-COVID Lotteries fund, Christchurch City Council, and the Rātā Foundation, the fit-out was completed.
However, there was one final hurdle: the café building needed to be moved 10 metres to meet resource consent requirements. “We couldn’t have done this without the help of Murray from Maiden Group, David from Rotary, and Alistair from Crane Trucks,” said Guglietta.
The Riverlution Café is now nearly ready to open. “This has been a labour of love,” said Guglietta, “and we’re thrilled to open the café and provide delicious kai and coffee to our community.”
The café will officially launch on Saturday, 7 September, during the inaugural Riverlution Learning Day. The event, which runs from 10 am to 2 pm, will include a variety of workshops and activities such as mural painting, seedling care, and a zero-waste birch tapping workshop.
Attendees will also have the chance to learn about other Riverlution projects, including the Precious Plastic initiative and the Ōtākaro Urban Trapping Project.
“We’re excited to celebrate this milestone with our community,” said Guglietta. “The café will not only create local jobs but also allow us to reinvest in our projects.”
The Riverlution Café will be a hub for community connection and learning, adding to the vibrant three-acre Richmond Community Garden, which now includes a fungi farm, the Riverlution Eco Hub, and more.
The RCG team invites everyone to join them on 7 September for a day full of fun, learning, and community spirit.
50 Vogel St, Richmond, Christchurch