Richard O’Brien, best known as the creator of “The Rocky Horror Show,” is back with a new production that delves into the current state of politics and society. In a candid interview, O’Brien shared insights into the motivations behind his latest play and his thoughts on the political climate, particularly in the United States.
When asked about the inspiration for his new play, O’Brien said his strong belief in liberal democracy as the ideal form of governance led him to write the piece. “We like to live in a utopia, but that’s impossible,” he said. “The far right, the breed of the far right, is so ugly, and there’s nothing nice to be said about it. The intentional dividing of America is shocking. It is disgusting the way it’s been allowed to happen.”
O’Brien did not hold back his feelings about former President Donald Trump, describing him as “a disgusting human being, a disgrace to humanity.” He argued that Trump’s approach to leadership is not about serving the country but about being “top dog” in a “dog-eat-dog world.” This, O’Brien said, inspired him to write a play that not only entertains but also urges people to “stand up and shout out loud” to save liberal democracy.
Despite his strong views, O’Brien is clear about his distaste for overtly political theatre. “I hate agitprop theatre. I hate going to the theatre and being beaten over the head with a message,” he explained. Instead, he believes in the power of satire to expose and ridicule evil. “Satire is a wonderful way to deal with evil. I think laughing at it, belittling it in that kind of way, is the best approach.”
O’Brien’s new play, “The Kingdom of Bling,” has come to Christchurch, promising audiences a night of both thought-provoking content and entertainment. “I want it to be a party night,” he said. “There’ll be no fourth wall. We’ll present ‘The Kingdom of Bling’ in the first half, and in the second half, it’s party time. If the audience feels happier when they leave than when they came in, we’ve done our job.”
What: Kingdom of Bling – Christchurch
When: Wed 16 Oct 2024 7:30pm
Where: Isaac Theatre Royal, Christchurch, Canterbury