Police surround parts of Spencerville following firearms sighting

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Feb 22, 2025 |
Police are responding to a reported firearms sighting in Spencerville just after midday.
A police spokesman told chrislynchmedia.com “Enquiries are being made at an address with cordons in place.
Chris Lynch Media understands a woman was being held against their will, however police have yet to confirm this.
“Some staff are armed as a precaution.”
St John has been called to the scene and was stationed at a police cordon.

AOS staff were called to the area.

Chrislynchmedia.com understands a man was seen pointing a gun at a woman on or near Heyders Road.

A woman at Spencer Park said she was unable to leave the area due to police cordons, while the park was blocked off from anyone entering.

Lower styx Road has been blocked from Spencerville Road to Te Korari Street a local said.

A neighbour told chrislynchmedia.com they heard yelling from the house before armed police arrived.

more soon.

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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