Concerns raised over police not stopping alleged Christchurch fraudster at border

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Jun 08, 2024 |
Nicola Flint / Supplied
Nicola Flint / Supplied

Story updated at 9.25PM 8 June 2024, to include additional comment from a source close to the investigation.

Questions are being raised as to why New Zealand police did not stop an alleged Christchurch fraudster at the border when they had the opportunity to do so.

On Friday, Newshub reporter Juliet Speedy revealed that an arrest warrant had been issued for Nicola Flint.  The warrant came after Flint’s fraudulent terminal cancer claims were exposed by the journalist.

As first reported by in December, the former Christchurch Football Club (Rugby) worker was accused of significant financial misconduct.

The club, located on Westminster Street in Mairehau, filed an official complaint with the police.

The discovery of unauthorised transactions was made post her departure. In December, CFC Board Chairman Craig Calder told Chris Lynch Media that a police investigation was underway.

A former volunteer of the club said Nicola created fraudulent invoices outside of the club’s accounting system and sent them to sponsors and visiting clubs for events held at CFC, using a bank account number not belonging to the club. There was an email trail proof that IT recovered from her club email address.

“A lot of people I have talked to feel that the board handled this incorrectly and took six weeks to lay a complaint with the police when that should have been done immediately or pretty soon after it was discovered,” said the former volunteer.

“There are a lot of angry parents, committee members, and senior rugby players who are absolutely sickened by what she has done to our kids and our club.

“Nicola had been very good at pulling a sob story or making up pretty harsh allegations against others, making everyone feel sorry for her.”

Chris Lynch Media understands police were made aware of Flint’s plans to leave the country, with a specific date provided to them.

A former friend mentioned that Nicola and her family even flew out of Christchurch on business class.

In December, the police were contacted for comment regarding the allegations, including inquiries about their awareness of the former employee’s departure from New Zealand.

They refused to comment, citing “privacy” considerations.

However, a source close to the investigation, who spoke to Chris Lynch Media on the condition of anonymity, said while a complaint was laid as soon as possible, the police could not move on anything until they were presented with firm evidence which took time to gather and prove.

“Everyone involved in this case did their utmost to provide the evidence as quickly as possible.

“The police did not actually have firm grounds to stop Nicola leaving the country when she did – and the board did not delay doing anything.”

Chris Lynch Media again asked on Friday why police didn’t stop Flint at the airport.

A spokesman said they couldn’t comment but confirmed, “a warrant to arrest has been issued for Nicola Flint, who faces charges relating to theft and forgery offences.”

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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