Greens co-leader Marama Davidson blames being hit by motorcycle for racist comments

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Mar 27, 2023 |

Greens co-leader Marama Davidson has blamed being hit by a motorcycle for racist comments she made but stopped short of apologising.

As first reported by Chris Lynch Media the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence was recorded on camera saying “I know what causes violence in this world and it’s white cis men.”

In a statement released on Monday afternoon, she said she had been hit while on a pedestrian crossing by a motorcyclist on Saturday morning, part of a “convoy of motorcyclists”.

“A short time after the incident, I was confronted by a representative from the far-right and conspiracy theory website Counterspin who was filming me walking down the road before accosting me with inflammatory questions.

A clip of that video is now circulating online and is being used to distract from a broader conversation about the causes of violence in Aotearoa.

“Still in shock, I was not as clear in my comments to the conspiracy theorists Counterspin as I should have been.”

She said violence was unacceptable in “any community”.

“As the minister responsible for Aotearoa’s first-ever plan to eliminate family violence and sexual violence, I am committed to an Aotearoa where all people are safe and can live peaceful lives. My top priority is to support, protect and believe all victims and survivors of violence.

“Women are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of family violence and sexual violence at the hands of men. It is also important to acknowledge the disproportionate impact violence has on our rainbow whānau and diverse communities.

“I should have made clear in my comments that violence happens in every community. My intention was to affirm that trans people are deserving of support and to keep the focus on the fact that men are the main perpetrators of violence.”

She said she would continue to stand with her “trans and non-binary whānau” and supported action to ensure that everyone can live their lives without fear of hate or discrimination.”

She said she would not make further comments “at this time”.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peter has called for the minister to resign.

Following the minister’s statement he said “just when we were thinking her comments at the protest was “peak madness”…this is just next level. Her spin doctors need to be fired for dereliction of duty.”

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said “I understand Madama has subsequently issued a clarification.

I think we do need to consider the context in which she made her remarks.”

“She had just been hit by a motorcycle and was basically being harassed by a right-wing conspiracy group as she went down the road” Hipkins said.

“That’s not a form of words that I would choose and I understand from her statement it wasn’t what she meant to say,”

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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