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Upper eyelid blepharoplasty
KM Surgical offers Blepharoplasty (or eyelid surgery) which enhances and rejuvenates the appearance of eyes by removing excess skin, muscle and/or fat from the eyelids.
Best candidates for blepharoplasty are men and woman who are physically healthy with obviously loose eyelid skin.
Most are aged 35 years or older, but if there is a family history of droopy and baggy eyelids blepharoplasty can be undertaken at a younger age.
Baggy eyelids often feel heavy and give a tired look. (Some insurance companies will cover the cost of an upper blepharoplasty, certain criteria will need to be meet).
The upper blepharoplasty procedure
Dr Ken Macdonald does blepharoplasties under local anaesthetic and light sedation. You will need to come in a further hour prior to your surgery to have a pre-med and pre-operative assessment and photographs. Afterwards, the special AqueCool ™ system is used for your comfort.
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty
Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is the removal of excess fat from the lower eyelids. The fat is removed through the conjunctival lining of the lower eyelid. To make this painless your eye is anaesthetised with drops and an eye guard is used during the procedure. The procedure is performed under light intravenous sedation or oral sedation to help you relax. Once the excess fat has been removed from your eyelids, any surplus skin can be removed. Sometimes fat is repositioned with a fat transfer technique to provide the best possible contour.
Lower eyelid skin and muscle tightening – the lower eyelid pinch blephoroplasts is another technique for loose eyelid skin and bags, evening for bags on bags (festoons) which can significantly affect the lower eyelid area and is associated with ageing and photoageing.
KM Surgical is a specialist medical and surgical facility run by Dr Ken Macdonald, Dermatologist and Dermatologic Surgeon, with expertise in liposuction/liposculpture, Vaser® LipoSelection ®, fat transfer, fractional and laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, blepharoplasty (upper and lower eyelid surgery) and MACS facelift surgery.
KM Surgical is the biggest skin cancer clinic in the South Island. We have a team of highly trained dermatologists who undertake full skin & mole checks including skin cancer and Mohs surgery.
Our highly trained registered nursing staff supervised by Dr Macdonald specialise in photo-rejuvenation with Intensed Pulsed Light , tattoo removal, laser hair removal and vein removal.