The sperm whale that beached on a Christchurch shore is being buried after efforts to assist it were unsuccessful.
Project Jonah medics, DOC rangers, and staff from the Christchurch City Council have been on the scene since the whale was spotted on Saturday afternoon at South New Brighton Beach, drawing significant local attention.
Christchurch photographer Stephanie Cartwright, who was at the beach, said the whale was being moved it towards the sand dunes for burial.
Addressing concerns about the response, a Project Jonah spokesperson stated, “We were in constant discussions with multiple responding agencies, considering scenarios to ensure the safety of both the public and the whale.”
The 15-metre sperm whale’s identification is underway, with experts comparing it to known whales in Kaikoura, though no match has been found so far.
Acknowledging the community’s desire to help, the spokesperson noted, “Many people have inquired about supporting Project Jonah, and we’ll share more information on this tomorrow.”
The spokesperson ended with, “Today, we pause to recognise the loss of this impressive creature.”