Calls for Marama Davidson to step down following “offensive racist” tirade

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Mar 26, 2023 |

New Zealand’s former Deputy Prime Minister is calling on Marama Davidson to step down following her comments in the weekend.

The Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence was recorded on camera saying “I know what causes violence in this world and it’s white cis men.”

New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters said “Marama Davidson should stand down as ‘Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence’ for the clear and outrageous statement she made at the Posie Parker protest that ‘white straight men’ are the cause of violence. 

Her offensive, racist, and sexist remarks are typical of a minister who has lost any right and authority to hold her portfolio. 

Peters said her comments were “peak madness.”

He said the Prime Minister must have higher standards than shown by Minister Davidson. 

“New Zealanders neither want nor deserve to be looked upon and insulted by our so-called ‘representatives’ in this way. 

Is it any wonder there was violence shown at the protest when we have a Minister outright supporting it.”

Left-leaning blogger Martyn Bradbury said “clearly the Minister misspoke and she didn’t actually mean that her Ministerial position has led her to believe that all white cis men cause all the violence in the world.”

The Minister clearly misspoke and needs to correct her statement before this erupts.”

Responding to the clip, social media users condemned the words with one person saying “she needs to be sacked from her Ministerial post after what she said yesterday.”

Another responded “I have often wondered if she can be included among the intelligent, well-spoken feminists whom I admire. This ends that conjecture, and leaves me wondering if the Greens are devoid of people who can judge people’s suitability for office.”

If you are concerned about yourself or someone who may need help, contact Women’s Refuge NZ on 0800 REFUGE, or 0800 873 843, or the Family Violence Helpline 0800 456 450.

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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