Restrictions on hospital visiting hours

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Feb 27, 2021 |

Under Alert Level 2, surgery and outpatient appointments will go ahead in Canterbury as planned tomorrow.

If you have attended any of the locations of interest in Auckland visited by the new confirmed community cases of COVID-19, please follow the Ministry of Health instructions and call Healthline if you’re not sure what you should do 0800 358 5453.

  • Please wear a mask or fabric face covering into hospital.

  • You must sign in using the QR code at the main entrance or sign in manually.

  • Importantly, you must physically distance – stay at least two metres away from people you don’t know.

  • If you are using public transport to get to hospital, you must wear a mask or face covering.

  • Wash and dry your hands frequently or use hand gel.

28 February 2021 until further notice

Under COVID-19 Alert Level 2 visitor access for all Canterbury DHB health facilities will continue to be restricted. Please remember, limiting our interactions with others is our best defence against COVID-19. Please don’t visit the hospital if you don’t need to.

The following visitor restrictions are in place for all Canterbury DHB hospitals and health facilities:

  • All visitors need to scan in or sign in on arrival and provide their contact details

  • All visitors should wear a mask or face covering

  • Visitors who are unwell should not be entering our facilities

Exceptions for people with disabilities

Under any Alert Levels where visitor restrictions are in place, an exception will be made for people with disabilities who are in hospital or have to attend an outpatient appointment– where they need a support person to ensure equitable access to health services. For example, a sign language interpreter, support person for someone with a learning disability, or someone to assist with mobility is allowed in addition to that person’s permitted visitor/s.

Christchurch Hospital – updated 28 February 2021

  • Visiting hours for Christchurch Hospital are from 3pm – 8pm with only one person visiting at a time.

  • Exceptions: Charge Nurse Managers can assess requests on a case by case basis. For example, exceptions will be considered on compassionate grounds including for end of life care.

  • For children, parents/caregivers can visit at any time, and both parents/caregivers can visit at the same time.

Christchurch Women’s Hospital/Rangiora Health Hub maternity/Lincoln Maternity/Ashburton Maternity – updated 28 February 2021 

  • Acute Assessment – one support person only to accompany someone presenting for acute assessment

  • Women in labour in a maternity facility are allowed two support partners for the duration of the labour and birth

  • Women who have had an elective caesarean section are allowed one support person

  • For the duration of their postnatal stay a woman can have one named support person who will be able to visit. Siblings of the new baby may accompany this person.

  • All visitors to our maternity facilities must scan or sign in each time they visit.

  • Outpatient appointments (including Fetomaternal medicine) – a support person will only be permitted under specific criteria – e.g. a person’s carer/support person is required to be with them at all times/complex needs or complex diagnosis/certain procedural clinics.

Burwood Hospital – updated 28 February 2021

  • The visiting hours at Burwood Hospital are 11am-7pm with only one person visiting at a time for each patient.

  • Only one support person can attend with a patient for Outpatients and Elective Surgery.

Specialist Mental Health Services at Hillmorton campus & The Princess Margaret Hospital site – updated 28 February 2021

  • One person may visit once per day during Hillmorton Hospital and The Princess Margaret Hospital visiting hours.

  • One support person per outpatient.

  • Additional people will be considered by the Clinical / Charge Nurse Manager or Duty Nurse Manager (after hours). This must be by prior arrangement to ensure that we can meet physical distancing requirements,

Ashburton Hospital – updated 28 February 2021

From 15 February 2021 visiting hours are as normal, but:

  • One visitor at a time – although more than one person can visit each day.

  • One support person per outpatient.

  • One support person to accompany someone to the Ashburton Acute Assessment Unit

  • All visitors must either scan the COVID QR code or sign in on arrival.

Exceptions: Nurse Managers can assess requests on a case by case basis.

Age-Related Residential Care facilities managed by Canterbury DHB: Oxford Hospital, Darfield Hospital, Ellesmere Hospital, Waikari Hospital, Tuarangi Home Ashburton – updated on 28 February 2021

To ensure the safety of patients, all of whom are aged over 65, visits to these facilities is by appointment.

To ensure the safety of patients, all of whom are aged over 65, visitors to the Aged Residential Care part of this facility are only allowed by prior appointment.
Please contact the facility to discuss with the manager. There may be a separate entrance for visitors, please check with staff.

Kaikoura Health Te Ha o te Ora – updated 28 February 2021

Visitors for Acute Patients:

  • Visiting Hours 10am to 12 noon and 3pm to 8pm for next two weeks and to be reviewed.

  • Maximum of 2 designated visitors per patient, with only one designated visitor attending at a time.

  • Visits no longer than 30 minutes

  • Visitors are asked to bring their own mask or face covering.

  • Visitors are required to visit in the patient room; not to visit with any other patients and to maintain physical distancing – 2 metres away from people you don’t know and one metre away from people you know.


  • Exceptions will be considered on compassionate grounds for end of life care.

  • Exceptions include any additional visits as approved by the Nurse Manager/Clinical Director.

Visiting for residents in Age Related Residential Care (Rest Home) Facilities at Kaikoura Health – updated 28 February 2021

  • Visiting hours are from 10am to 12 noon and 3pm to 8pm

  • Two designated visitors per resident and all visits are to occur in the resident’s room

  • Please bring a mask to wear if you will be within two metres of residents

  • We ask that you continue to enter via the door from the deck, ringing the doorbell to get the attention of staff.

  • Please sign in and out in our Visitors book for each visit.

  • Please do not visit if you are unwell as this puts our vulnerable elderly patients at risk.

If you are planning to visit an Age Related Residential Care Facility/Rest Home, please phone first to check visitor restrictions. This includes the ARRC facilities operated by Canterbury DHB at Kaikōura Health (Te Hā o Te Ora), Oxford Hospital, Darfield Hospital, Ellesmere Hospital, Waikari Hospital and Tuarangi Home Ashburton.

 If you are planning to use the Christchurch Hospital/Outpatients Park & Ride Shuttle, please note that family groups will be carried together in their ‘bubble’ but others will have to be physically distanced, so fewer people will be able to travel on each trip. Please allow extra time if you’re coming into hospital and remember to bring your masks or face coverings.

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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