After captivating audiences at the prestigious BBC Proms, Gemma New, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra’s Artistic Advisor and Principal Conductor, is set to return to Christchurch to lead the orchestra for the first time.
New, who has gained international recognition for her work, was recently honoured as an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her contributions to music direction, an accolade she received in the King’s Birthday Honours.
Her ties to Christchurch are strong, having graduated with an honours degree in music from the University of Canterbury in 2010.
On 27 September, New will make her NZSO debut in Christchurch with a concert titled “Jupiter: Mozart and Copland”
The performance will feature Mozart’s Symphony No. 41, commonly known as “Jupiter,” a piece praised for its intricate and delightful composition.
In addition, the concert will present the world premiere of the final work by renowned Kiwi composer Lyell Cresswell.
The programme also includes Aaron Copland’s “Appalachian Spring,” a staple of American music that evokes the pioneering spirit of early American life.
Originally composed for the legendary dancer Martha Graham, Copland’s work remains one of his most beloved and frequently performed pieces.