Government Concludes Coordinated Response to Christchurch Mosque Attack Inquiry

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Aug 02, 2024 |

The Government has finished the ‘coordinated cross-government response’ to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Terrorist Attack on the Christchurch Mosques.

Lead Coordination Minister Judith Collins said “The Royal Commission of Inquiry raised a number of issues around safety and security, and work has been ongoing to address those concerns.

“Now, five years since that terrible day and in light of that ongoing work, it is the right time to conclude the coordinated response. However, that does not mean the work stops.”

The coordinated response, led by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, has considered the 44 recommendations that spanned multiple areas and government agencies.

Thirty-six have either been implemented or are being integrated into ongoing work programmes, while the remaining eight will not be progressing.

“In the five years since March 15 2019, government agencies – especially in the national security community – have made significant, enduring changes,” Collins said. 

The initiatives include: The creation of New Zealand’s first National Security Strategy, Secure Together Tō Tātou Korowai Manaaki, the establishment of the Firearms Safety Authority, the establishment of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, the public release of Know the Signs – a guide for identifying signs of violent extremism, the publication of the first New Zealand Security Threat Environment Report; the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Strategic Fund for community-based prevention initiatives; and the establishment of the Ethnic Communities Graduate Programme.

With the coordinated response concluding, Minister and Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey will be the Government point of contact for the March 15-affected community to connect with government agencies and support as required.

“Any remaining work will be embedded into what government agencies do every day,” Collins said.

“Our commitment remains the same: to ensure a safe and secure country for all our communities.”

Decisions on all the recommendations and a response summary are available on the DPMC website.

“We know the 51 people who died on 15 March will never be forgotten. We will continue the annual anniversary broadcast of the Adhan (call to prayer).

The Government is also considering establishing an appropriate memorial to honour the shuhada,” Collins said

“We acknowledge the March 15 survivors, the affected families and the witnesses to the attacks, who have all been at the centre of the response from the beginning.

“We acknowledge, too, the First Responders who undertook their work with courage and with compassion. To the medical staff, the ambulance staff, Police, NZDF personnel and all those involved in trying to save lives and prevent further loss of life, we thank you for your service.

“And thank you to all those involved for sharing your stories and perspectives, and contributing to this important work.”

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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