National says more police won’t mean tougher consequences for offenders

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
May 08, 2022 |

More police numbers won’t mean tougher consequences for offenders according to National.

The comments follow the Government’s announcement that it’s investing over $562 million over four years into police.

At least $94 million will go towards tackling gangs and organised crime.

National’s police spokesman Mark Mitchell

But National Police Spokesperson Mark Mitchell said “since Labour came into Government, gang numbers are up 40 per cent, violent crime is up 21 per cent and Police response times have blown out, with victims waiting almost two hours for Police to arrive.”

 “This is all despite Labour announcing more money for police over the same period, proving that more money doesn’t mean there will be serious consequences for offenders or better support for victims.”

“Until Labour gets real about crime and starts sending the message from top that gangs and the misery they peddle are not welcome in New Zealand, Kiwis shouldn’t expect much to change.”

“When the message from the top is that there won’t be serious consequences, offenders feel emboldened to go out and commit crime.”

“Ram raids are now occurring almost daily and we’ve got dairy owners staying awake all night in fear that they’re going to be hit next, some for the second or third time.”

“Our Police are out there every day working incredibly hard to keep Kiwis safe but are not being backed by this soft-on-crime Labour Government. They’re working with one hand tied behind their backs.”

“If I were the Police Minister, the measure that I would set myself would be simply whether or not I had made New Zealand safer, including our Police.”

 “It is clear now that this Minister has presided over worsening public and police safety and is completely out of touch with her portfolio. More money won’t change that.””

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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