10% rates increase proposed by Environment Canterbury

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch
Feb 27, 2023 |

Environment Canterbury has proposed a 10 per cent increase in revenue from rates in the Canterbury Regional Council’s draft Annual Plan 2023/24.

The increase is more than double the proposed 4.6% average increase forecast in the regional council’s last 10-year plan.

Extra money is being proposed for public transport, funding for flood recovery and increasing the council’s general reserves.

Environment Canterbury Chair Peter Scott said there are obviously different views within the community. “Some want us to do more, faster, while many want us to slow our work programmes due to affordability concerns.”

Peter Scott urged people to read the plan and provide any feedback they may have about what we have planned.

“We all want to protect our environment, but we must carefully manage the balance between completing the job expected of us, while also making sure the work is affordable and can be paid for.

This means we need to balance affordability with action. It’s a fine line and one we need to walk carefully.”

Chair Scott said there is a lot of work to do and this represents a considerable collective investment by the community across a wide range of projects — from flood protection to public transport. “We want to know if you think we’re on the right track or where we could make changes.”

Find out more about the draft Annual Plan 2023/24 here.

The engagement period will end on 3 April.

Chris Lynch
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch is a journalist, videographer and content producer, broadcasting from his independent news and production company in Christchurch, New Zealand. If you have a news tip or are interested in video content, email [email protected]

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